STONE FAMILY Information provided by Bob Hayward up to Henry Stone 1843
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Generation Generation No 7
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67. BENJAMIN4 STONE (THOMAS6, JOHN5, WILLIAM4, JOHN3, NICOLAS2, NICOLAS1) was born December 1815 in Wiveliscombe, Som, Eng, and died 2 February 1879.  
He married MARIA COURT 14 September 1834 in Chipstable. She was born 1815 in Chipstable, Som, Eng, and died 1881. 

Census Details

Census Location Family
1881  Dwelling 15 Alfred St
Census Place Taunton St James, Somerset, England  
(This could be Benjamin)  Benjamin STONE Head W Male 66 Taunton, Somerset, England Shoemaker  
More Photos & Notes
i. ANN5 STONE, b. December 1834, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Unknown.
139. ii. MARY STONE, b. December 1836, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Unknown.
iii. JANE STONE, b. March 1842, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Unknown; m. JOHN BROOKS, Abt. 1862; b. 1834; d. Unknown.
140. iv. RICHARD STONE, b. March 1842, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Aft. 1884.
v. SARAH STONE, b. December 1845, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. February 1847.
vi. THOMAS STONE, b. May 1848, Langley, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. July 1848.
vii. JOHN STONE, b. October 1850, Greenway, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Unknown.
141. viii. WILLIAM STONE, b. June 1854, Greenway, Wiveliscombe, Somerset; d. Unknown.
ix. MARIA STONE, b. Abt. 1856, Wiveliscombe; d. Unknown.
Barker Stone (continued)
John Barker (1894) John Stone (b1824)
Coram John Stone (b1730)
BessieCoram (1864) John Stone (b1757)
Charles Coram (1830) John Stone (b1784)
Charles Coram (1867) John Stone (b1799)
ElizaCoram (1893) John Stone (b1848)
Elizabeth Coram (1796) John Stone (b1856)
Henry Coram (1798) Lilly Stone (b1869) 
Herbert Coram (1863) Maria Stone (b1835) 
Hugh Coram (1902) Mary Ann Stone (b1826)
John Coram (1824) Mary Stone (b1836) 
John Coram (1828) Mary Stone (b1883)
John Coram (1847) Matthew Stone (b1822)
Mary Coram (1854) Nathan Stone (b1824)
Robert Coram (1792) Nicholas Stone (b1610)
Robert Coram (1821) Nicholas Stone (b1640)
Sarah Coram (1801) Nicholas Stone (b1698)
Stephen Coram (1806) Reginald Stone (b1909)
Thomas Coram (1833) Richard Stone (b1842)
William Coram (1803) Richard Stone (b1850)
Cotterell Robert Stone (b1778)
Elizabeth Cotterell (1792) Samuel Stone (b1730)
William Cotterell (1754) Sarah Stone (b1763)
Dinham Sarah Stone (b1756)
Grace Dinham (1830) Thomas Stone (b1687)
John Dinham (1818) Thomas Stone (b1763)
Robert Dinham (1790) Thomas Stone (b1797)
Thomas Dinham (1788) Walter Stone (b1887)
William Dinham (1728) Walter Stone (b1894)
William Dinham (1758) Wilfred Stone (b1900)
William Dinham (1785) William Stone (b1650)
William Dinham (1820) William Stone (b1700)
Fowler William Stone (b1706/7)
David Fowler (1846) William Stone (b1730)
Hewitt William Stone (b1731)
Ann Hewitt (1822) William Stone (b1790)
Elizabeth Hewitt (1764) William Stone (b1822)
Grace Hewitt (1769) William Stone (b1854)
James Hewitt (1793) William Stone (b1889)
James Hewitt (1826) William Stone (b1921)
John Hewitt (1761) Zillah Stone (b1881)
John Hewitt (1792) Talbot
Mary Hewitt (1774) Abraham Talbot (1810)
Richard Hewitt (1802) Ambrose Talbot (1744)
Sarah Hewitt (1761) Ann Talbot (1772)
William Hewitt (1796) Ann Talbot (1831)
Merson Charles Talbot (1824)
Elizabeth Merson (1847) Edith Talbot (1856)
Francis Merson (1773) Eleanor Talbot (1781)
Francis Merson (1818) Eliza Talbot (1798)
Francis Merson (1851) Elizabeth Talbot (1742)
Grace Merson (1777) Elizabeth Talbot (1846)
John Merson (1768) Ellen Talbot (1813)
John Merson (1834) Ellen Talbot (1845)
Maria Merson (1791) George Talbot (1819)
Mary Merson (1813) Grace Talbot (1731)
Philip Merson (1785) Henry Talbot (11849)
Sarah Merson (1796) Hugh Talbot (1732)
Sarah Merson (1831) Hugh Talbot (1767)
Thomas Merson (1816) Hugh Talbot (1768)
Thomas Merson (1859) Hugh Talbot (1777)
William Merson (1792) Hugh Talbot (1801)
Morgan Hugh Talbot (1803)
Amelia Morgan (1832) Hugh Talbot (1828)
Elizabeth Morgan (1811) Hugh Talbot (1830)
Henry Morgan (1829) Hugh Talbot (1844)
John Morgan (1804) Hugh Talbot (1846)
Margaret Morgan (1797) James Talbot (1806)
Richard Morgan (1819) James Talbot (1807)
Sarah Morgan (1793) James Talbot (1809)
Sarah Morgan (120) James Talbot (1838)
Paine Jesse Talbot (1839)
Thomas Paine (1839) John Talbot (1733)
William Paine (1836) John Talbot (1761)
Palmer John Talbot (1778)
John Palmer (1741) John Talbot (1805)
Pearce John Talbot (1814)
Ann Pearce (1820) John Talbot (1823)
Elizabeth Pearce (1787) John Talbot (1831)
Robert Pearce (1795) John Talbot (1851)
Robert Pearce (1826) Mahala Talbot (1812)
Sarah Pearce (1799) Mahala Talbot (1840)
Thomas Pearce (1823) Maria Talbot (1812)
Riggs Mary Talbot (1763)
Robert Riggs (1802) Mary Talbot (1788)
Sparks Mary Talbot (1798)
Ethel Sparks (1907) Mary Talbot (1805)
Stone Mary Talbot (1841)
Ada Stone (b1897) Robert Talbot (1802)
Alfred Stone (b1853) Robert Talbot (1834)7
Alice Stone (b1885) Robert Talbot (1861)
Ambrose Stone (b1679) Samuel Talbot (1793)
Amelia Stone (b1884) Sarah Talbot (1738)
Beatrice Stone (b1884) Sarah Talbot (1766)
Benjamin Stone (b1815) Sarah Talbot (1812)
Betty Stone (b1802) Sarah Talbot (1825)
Charles Stone (b1841) Sarah Talbot (1835)
Charles Stone (b1870) Susannah Talbot (1807)
Daniel Stone (b1866) Thomas Talbot (1816)
Eliza Stone (b1819) Thomas Talbot (1853)
Elizabeth Stone (b1765) William Talbot (1772)
Elizabeth Stone (b1871) Vickery
Ellen Stone (b1892) Alfred Vickery (1851)
Elsie Stone (b1879) Eliza Vickery (1811)
Ernest Stone (b1879) Harriet Vickery (1813)
Ethel Stone (b1912) Henry Vickery (1854)
Faith Stone (b1685) Ilott Vickery (1880)
Faith Stone (b1718) John Vickery (1824)
Florence Stone (b1880) John Vickery (1852)
Florence Stone (b1895) Maria Vickery (1815)
Francis Stone (b1881) Mary Vickery (1853)
Fred Stone (b1901) Matilda Vickery (1850)
Frederick Stone (b1881) Thomas Vickery (1820)
George Stone (b1871) William Vickery (1823)
George Stone (b1923) Wall
Hannah Stone (b1805) Eliza Wall (1821)
Harold Stone (b1805) Wilcocks
Henry Stone (b11682) Grace Wilcocks (1769)
Henry Stone (b1843) Wood
Henry Stone (b1875) Elizabeth Wood (1805)
Henry Stone (b1895) Wright
Iris Stone (b1709) Elizabeth Wright (1789)
Jacob Stone (b1709) Henry Wright (1856)
James Stone (b1833) John Wright (1787)
James Stone (b1851) John Wright (1817)
Jane Stone (b1673) Robert Wright (1800)
Jane Stone (b1774) Samuel Wright (1793)
John Stone (b1676) Samuel Wright (1825)